This 2018 photo released by Florida based WPLG digital television station shows U.S. journalist Cody Weddle in Caracas, Venezuela. Weddle was seized by security forces at his apartment early Wednesday, March 6, 2019, according to lawyers and press freedom groups. After arriving to Venezuela as an English-language correspondent for state-run network Telesur, Weddle had been reporting from Venezuela for more than four years, most recently working as a freelance journalist for the ABC affiliate in Miami. He also contributed to the Miami Herald and The Telegraph in Britain. (WPLG via AP)
El joven reportero, contó a Ricardo Brown y Maria Fernanda Silva como fueron esas largas 12 horas desde que un grupo de la policía política de Maduro llegó a su casa en Caracas y lo detuvo acusándolo de traición a la patria.
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